World of Zuul v.2
This is a better version of the World of Zuul 3D game. After completing the set exercises, try adding to the game with your own ideas.
The design of this program is different from version 1. It contains many enhancements and improvements. The most notable changes are:
- The Room class is using a HashMap to keep track of exits.
- The Doty class has a “revert” method.
- The “checkWall” method inside the Game class has changed completely.
Step 1
Explain how the above changes are beneficial to the structure of our Game. In particular, explain how each change allows for greater flexibility.
Step 2
Right now, you can only create rooms to the east and west. Incorporate the north and south wall in this new design. Create a 5 room setup just like in version 1.
Step 3
In this version, we can create objects of the Block class in each Room. Doty cannot walk pass a block. Each block contains a description and the player can look at the description of each block by pressing the ‘L’ key when Doty is near a block. Modify your program so that if Doty is near a “Breakable Block”, and the user presses the ‘B’ key, the breakable block will disappear. The ‘B’ key will have no effect on “Normal Block”.
Step 4
Create a new Character class. A character contains a description, and a collection of responses. All of these are of the String type. Modify the room class so that each room may contain 0 or more characters. The Character class must have the following functionality:
- When Doty is close to a character and the user press the ‘L’ key, the character description will be displayed on screen.
- When Doty is close to a character and the user press the ‘T’ key, one of the character’s responses will be randomly displayed on screen.
Code Listing
Game class
import java.util.ArrayList;
import env3d.Env;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
* The Game class. This class is the entry point
* of the program and contains a controller loop.
public class Game
private boolean finished;
private Doty doty1;
private Env env;
private Room roomLeft, roomRight;
private Room currentRoom;
* The constructor. It sets up all the rooms and necessary
* objects in each room.
public Game()
roomLeft = new Room(10, 13.001, 10, "The left room");
roomRight = new Room(10, 13.001, 10, "The right room");
roomLeft.setExit("east", roomRight);
roomLeft.addBlock(new Block(1, 1, 4, "Normal Block"));
roomLeft.addBlock(new Block(4, 1, 8, "Normal Block"));
roomLeft.addBlock(new Block(7, 1, 3, "Normal Block"));
roomRight.setExit("west", roomLeft);
roomRight.addBlock(new Block(3, 1, 4, "Normal Block"));
roomRight.addBlock(new Block(5, 1, 2, "Breakable Block"));
roomRight.addBlock(new Block(6, 1, 8, "Normal Block"));
doty1 = new Doty(5, 1, 1);
* The play method contains the controller loop.
public void play()
finished = false;
// Create a new environment
env = new Env();
// Starts with roomLeft
// Adding doty to the environment
doty1.setRoomDim(currentRoom.getWidth(), currentRoom.getDepth());
// Position the camera
env.setCameraXYZ(5, 13, 9);
// Disable mouse and camera control
// The "loop"
while (finished == false)
// Ask for user input
// Process the various objects
// Update the screen
// Just a little cleanup
* Helper method for setting the current room to a
* particular room.
* @param room The room to set the current room to.
private void setCurrentRoom(Room room)
if (room != null) {
currentRoom = room;
for (Block block : currentRoom.getBlocks()) {
* Process the user input
private void processInput()
// The getKeyDown() method can detect which
// button is being held down. Can only detect
// one button.
int currentKey = env.getKeyDown();
// Reset the display string
if (currentKey != 0) {
// Note the use of class constants. Much more readable!
if (currentKey == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE) {
finished = true;
} else if (currentKey == Keyboard.KEY_UP) {
} else if (currentKey == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) {
} else if (currentKey == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT) {
} else if (currentKey == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT) {
} else if (currentKey == Keyboard.KEY_L) {
// This is the "L"ook command. So we display the description of the room.
// If Doty is close to an object, display the description of the object instead.
for (Block block : currentRoom.getBlocks()) {
double dist = distance(doty1.getX(), block.getX(), doty1.getY(), block.getY(), doty1.getZ(), block.getZ());
if (dist <= doty1.getScale()*1.2+block.getScale()) {
* Check to see if Doty is close to a wall, and exit to the next room if necessary
private void checkWall()
if (doty1.getX() > currentRoom.getWidth()-doty1.getScale()) {
// Going east
} else if (doty1.getX() < doty1.getScale()) {
// Going west
* A helper method to reduce duplicated code in checkWall
private void exitTo(String dir)
if (currentRoom.getExit(dir) != null) {
doty1.setRoomDim(currentRoom.getWidth(), currentRoom.getDepth());
} else {
// Doty has hit a wall
* Check to see if any collision occur between Doty and the objects in the current room
private void checkCollision()
// For every wall in the current room
for (Block block : currentRoom.getBlocks()) {
// Stop doty from moving if doty hits a wall
double dist = distance(block.getX(), doty1.getX(), block.getY(), doty1.getY(), block.getZ(), doty1.getZ());
if (dist <= block.getScale()+doty1.getScale()) {
* The private distance method
private double distance(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2, double z1, double z2) {
double xdiff, ydiff, zdiff;
xdiff = x2 - x1;
ydiff = y2 - y1;
zdiff = z2 - z1;
return (double) Math.sqrt(xdiff*xdiff + ydiff*ydiff + zdiff*zdiff);
public static void main (String [] args) {
(new Game()).play();
Doty class
* Doty is the main character of the game
public class Doty
// Doty's location
private double x, y, z;
// Doty's previous location. Useful in the revert method
private double prev_x, prev_y, prev_z;
private String texture;
private double scale;
private double rotateY;
// If doty remembers the room's dimension, doty will be able
// to set itself to the right position when entering a new
// room
private double roomWidth, roomDepth;
* Constructor for objects of class Doty
public Doty(double x, double y, double z)
// initialise instance variables
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.prev_x = x;
this.prev_y = y;
this.prev_z = z;
texture = "textures/doty.gif";
scale = 1;
rotateY = 0;
* Set the dimension of the room Doty is in
public void setRoomDim(double w, double d)
roomWidth = w;
roomDepth = d;
* This method is called when Doty exits from a room.
* If Doty exits from the east, then set Doty's position to the
* west side of the new room.
* @param dir The direction in which Doty exited from.
public void setExitFrom(String dir)
if (dir.equals("east")) {
} else if (dir.equals("west")) {
* Move doty in the x direction.
public void moveX(double delta)
// Make Doty face the right direction
if (delta > 0) {
rotateY = 90;
} else {
rotateY = -90;
// Remember the previous position
prev_z = z;
prev_x = x;
// Move doty
x = x + delta;
* Move doty in the z direction
public void moveZ(double delta)
if (delta > 0) {
rotateY = 0;
} else {
rotateY = 180;
// Remember the previous position
prev_z = z;
prev_x = x;
// Move doty
z = z + delta;
* Reverts doty back to the previous position
public void revert()
x = prev_x;
z = prev_z;
public double getX()
return x;
public double getY()
return y;
public double getZ()
return z;
public double getScale()
return scale;
public void setX(double x)
this.x = x;
public void setY(double y)
this.y = y;
public void setZ(double z)
this.z = z;
Room class
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
* A room describes the current environment. Only one
* room can be displayed at one time.
public class Room
// Must have these fields for Env to reconize this room
private double width, height, depth;
private String textureNorth, textureSouth, textureEast, textureWest;
// Some additional fields for the game
private String description;
private ArrayList<Block> blocks;
private HashMap<String, Room> exits;
* Constructor for objects of class Room
public Room(double w, double h, double d, String desc)
width = w;
height = h;
depth = d;
description = desc;
textureNorth = "textures/fence0.jpg";
textureEast = "textures/fence0.jpg";
textureSouth = "textures/fence0.jpg";
textureWest = "textures/fence0.jpg";
blocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
exits = new HashMap<String, Room>();
* Add a block to this room.
* @param block The block object to be added to the room
public void addBlock(Block block)
* Get the block
* @return The collection of blocks
public ArrayList<Block> getBlocks()
return blocks;
* Get the description of the room
* @return The description string
public String getDescription()
return description;
* Mutator for the wall texture
public void setTextureNorth(String fileName)
textureNorth = fileName;
* Mutator for the wall texture
public void setTextureEast(String fileName)
textureEast = fileName;
* Mutator for the wall texture
public void setTextureSouth(String fileName)
textureSouth = fileName;
* Mutator for the wall texture
public void setTextureWest(String fileName)
textureWest = fileName;
* Create an exit to a room
* @param direction the direction of the exit
* @param room the room that this direction exits to
public void setExit(String direction, Room room)
exits.put(direction, room);
* Get the room a direction exits to.
* @param direction a string indicating a direction
* @return the room that the direction exits to. null if no exit
* in that direction
public Room getExit(String direction)
return exits.get(direction);
* Accessor for the room's dimension
public double getWidth()
return width;
* Accessor for room's dimension
public double getDepth()
return depth;
Block class
* A Block prevents the player from moving.
public class Block
private double x, y, z;
private double scale;
private String desc;
* Constructor for objects of class Block
public Block(double x, double y, double z, String desc)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
scale = 0.5;
this.desc = desc;
* Make the block disappear
public void disappear()
x = 100;
* Accessor for the block's description
public String getDesc()
return desc;
* Accessor for the block's location
public double getX()
return x;
* Accessor for the block's location
public double getY()
return y;
* Accessor for the block's location
public double getZ()
return z;
* Accessor for the block's size
public double getScale()
return scale;